Friday, August 14, 2009

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Armenia, Cartagena and Popayan Colombia

Hogwarts Colombia continues to demonstrate it is the largest Fan Club across the country,
today we welcome three new headquarters of the group: Hogwarts

Armenia , Hogwarts Hogwarts Cartagena and Popayan.

Armenia, Manizales sponsored by Hogwarts begins operations led by CBAs Torres, from Bogota we welcome them and offer whatever support and assistance necessary to succeed. If you are in Armenia and want to join this group join in Facebook Group Hogwarts Armenia success!!

Cartagena, led by K-tlehyn KRLA Jotty Joha, joining Hogwarts Colombia, giving them an opportunity to the many fans who has the walled city of Harry Potter. Bogotá want to welcome you to Hogwarts Cartagena and all members wish them every success and offer all necessary assistance to grow. If you Cartagenero and want to attend meetings join Facebook Group Hogwarts Cartagena success!! Led Popayan

Snap_15 , enter the group as a small group that hopes to grow slowly in this great community. Pottericos fans of the white city of Colombia has a first reunion this Saturday August 22 in the village Payan at 1:30 PM, feel free to attend. If you Payan and want to attend meetings join Facebook group HL Popayan, much success!! From Hogwarts Colombia

we welcome this great family, and leaders were advised that soon we will get the mail from them to present the entire leadership team of Hogwarts Colombia.

hope that all we support ....


Hufflepuff Head of Communications Leader Hogwarts Colombia

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Brent Everett Y Brent Corrigan Gratis

Hogwarts in the magazine "El Clavo" Sixth

Hogwarts Colombia has been named in a magazine article that the virtual Clavo been made about Harry Potter . You can read the article here

the party
which we named as follows:

In Colombia there are several groups Harry Potter fan, among which is richer Hogwarts Colombia led by Natalia Jiménez. This business manager for 25 years led a community of more than 400 members which includes groups of fans of Bogota, Cali, Medellin, Bucaramanga, Manizales, Ibague, Cucuta and Barranquilla.
started as a reading group that was gradually incorporating elements of the saga as the Quidditch matches (spectacular aerial sport but practiced, obviously, no flying broomsticks), and tournaments between 'Aurora' and 'Death Eaters' (the equivalent to DAS and paramilitaries in the world of Harry Potter). Have also been organized as Harry college students in houses (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw) competing for points, and even have their own ceremony of the 'Sorting Hat' to determine which house is every new member. Obviously what magic hat resolved in the books, Natalia group solves it with several tests, where the personality of the fan as you determine which home accordingly.
In conclusion, Harry Potter fans are not just a fantasy to escape reality but also a message of tolerance for those who are different. For example, when the author revealed that the much admired Professor Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts in the series, was gay, fans accepted it without problem and even applauded. Attitudes like this are precisely what make the villain Lord Voldemort alive pale with anger. "

read the article and I hope you like it. The print edition is available in Cali.


Chief Communications Leader

Hufflepuff Hogwarts Colombia