Sunday, May 2, 2010

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Council 3 Sprites

The website of Hogwarts Colombia is a reality

It is my great honor to announce to all of you that one of the largest and most ambitious projects of this group is already a reality.

Web Page Hogwarts Colombia is ready! ....

can enter and watch the countdown to the official launch of it.

Next May 22 at an event on which we will be reporting soon, when the counter you can see on the page reaches zero, you can see in that same link a page that has been working for over a year .

extend my congratulations to HHT and his team were responsible for this proclamation is great news ....

The website will have many surprises for everyone and may be used by all cities in Colombia Hogwarts will have their own prophets, its own timing and its own section. Some people may view the page a few weeks before all to say and do enough evidence about its use .... Those who've already seen we can only say ... Spectacular! ....

missing 20 days ........

Chief Communications Leader