Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blue Intensifier Hair Color

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

ask As many of you have written their reviews and feedback (both good and bad about the movie). Post the 7 most liked by the middle and the Blog. Today emopezaremos with two comments about the movie, that of Ginny Natisjd and Cobain:

I'd go with the trailers ...

In an imperious desire to attract film-loving public, through special effects and a new story and adapted to a somewhat distant reality of the literature, we find a sixth installment of Harry Potter very interesting for fans of movies, and unpleasant for fans of the series from the literary aspect (at least in a preliminary observation). With a start which allowed demonstrate the close of the fifth installment, and a relationship between the Muggle world and the magical world from the corresponding attacks, shows some changes since then, it is significant for the development of the original story, are pending on how many will a "normal" development of the seventh installment and to maintain some form, content to fans of the literary saga.

Among the many changes that will be analyzed for the seventh installment in the writers, are where the wedding will take place where the three friends escape to go after the Horcruxes, if the hole was almost completely destroyed? Where do you go to put the location Dumbledore's tomb, which has a stake in the seventh installment? These and many more questions arise, having seen the movie ... In addition to this, new questions focused on: When operating at Dumbledore's eyes?, Is Felix Felicis is one of their repercussions, to demonstrate to the person who takes it as stupid and / or drunk? At what point is squared, married, or rather, Tonks and Remus relationship began, by the grace of Merlin?

Since the subjective perception that has this little blurb, I must admit in the film world this movie becomes as attractive and very good development of history (although some participants, hinted that the cuts were apparent in the plot and some empty poorly covered), with an excellent soundtrack and the use of pre-film soundtrack (Fireworks: Order of the Phoenix for example), made the moment thereby be highlighted emotions and sometimes tears or smiles come out without any problem, the picture has a fundamental space, especially when entering the cave and the opening scene with the Death Eaters attack, although I overused the landscape at the end of the tape, which leaves no taste like it had been placed the end of a premeditated manner without any organization ... "Now you know ... The Ginny " very nice way to deflect the issue to make a closing movie where hope remains, but it was radical, hurried, without a warrant. Continuing with this little opinion from the literary world can not be taken very good shape, having clear that this is a highly subjective opinion, if it is true that since the fans are used to frame cuts, cuts in history and skip general information from books, it is also true that the book had net spaces but at the same time, spaces not understand the relationship with history, ok, Harry is growing like all, but was it necessary to add a area of \u200b\u200b"flirting" in a Muggle café? Why burn the Burrow? The Weasley last long in their lives to have it, and there is an initial act of witnessing the Deathly Hallows "the reform in two months of school holidays?

In short, personal film, it was one of the largest, although I must admit I was disappointed more than that of the Order, which this being my favorite book in the saga, it affected me to omit some things and change others, but in this latest installment, is notorious interesting cut scenes and the inclusion of scenes that do not have much to do, but respect the work of Yates this time, and wait to see what brings surprises for the seventh installment ... Failure to make the event the Burrow in Grimauld Place and thus, history, new lines have for exploiting a new version of the Deathly Hallows.



Hogwarts Colombia

harry potter prince

prepared me for this movie not only psychologically for months, but try with all my might to pretend you never read the book, I read up to the order and let my mind up there. From this perspective the film is very good, even my father was accompanied by Muggle jamaz to hit one of the books and left more excited than any of the group XD I can not deny that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe funeral in the book did not leave my head and it hurt not to see on the screen, but you have to see the effort expueto throughout the movie, the performances were excellent, (especially Tom Felton I think it was the best, but do not leave without credit to rupert sack us laugh at most of the film, Daniel, and the humorous side in the other we had not seen and the sentimental ema) the cool effects, David Yates tried to put the meyor number of scenes from the book, and the obvious humor mixed with romance as the laughter flooded the theater during the movie.

My conclusion is obvious I think, definitely support the movie, I really liked but totlmente away from the book (I read somewhere that was a good idea to translate the title in English as the mystery of the prince, to avoid mixing with our Half Blood Prince) I did not expect more from it and hope not to be the one who posted a positive review that I aspire to have made good (jamaz had made a ).... Ginny

Gryffindor Hogwarts Student
Colombia Bogotá

If you want to send yours to write it

Two small reminders:

1. This July 25 we will have a reunion of Legemeris about the Book Eragon. Not only will the book, so if you read it you have no problem ... will have as special guests to a group role-playing to teach us the main rules and we will make a demonstration the game. (2 PM Virigilio Barco) soon more information.

2. This August 1 the group's official reunion in which we play and advance quiddicth leagues. Virgilio Barco .. do not miss it.

Chief Communications Leader

Hufflepuff Hogwarts Colombia Bogota


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